All images are copyrighted and not to be used without the permission of the artist.
Early morning - just as the sun was coming up
Researchers from Palmer Station trying to get back through the ice that creeps in so fast it's incredible.
You can see how far they had to go to get back
It had been shrouded in clouds until they started lifting a little.
Hope Bay, absolutely a stunning place in Antarctic Sound
This piece of ice shelf was over a mile and a half wide....only 20 % is showing above water
The Amazon River, the clouds caught my attention and there are the most intense thunderstorms almost every night.
This is rainy season but it will still rise another 20 - 30 ft by June
Boca da Valeria, went in a locals canoe into the smaller arms of the amazon
Houses are either built on stilts or are floating along the Amazon River
A haven for wildlife, they call it the Galapagos of Peru
Peruvian Boobies, they use the same nest year after year on the cliffs.
Cormorants, and birds as far back as the eye can see...all those black dots are birds.
Penguins that have made the Ballestas their home.
Matrimony Beach, very noisy place!
This seal was so comfy, his head was upside down.
Humpback Whales were everywhere, I didn't realize I had captured some of them in photos
Shrouded in Clouds with an albatross soaring
A magical, mystical Island
This is the flower of this plant
From inside one of the caves looking out
The colours in some places were amazing
A path up high to get to the caves
These were left here from WW1
A truly fascinating Island
The animals go into the river to cool off
The southern most city in the world, they paint houses, roofs bright colours.
Ushuaia is the jumping off port for many of the antarctic expeditions, including National Geographic.
Arica, Chile, just hanging out
Meeting Of The Waters, near Manaus Brazil...where the Rio Negro which is black and the Amazon which is sandy run side by side for 60 km never mixing.
The only bridge across the Amazon, Manaus, Brazil
GeneralSanMartinPisco, Peru, Candelabra
This is one of the dries places on earth and this prehistoric geoglyph is preserved because of so little rainfall to erode it.
a woman making a panama hat, all panama hats are made in Ecuador
Lighthouse on Falkland Islands
Ft. Stanley, Falkland Islands, always rough seas and wind and flat as a pancake.
A preserve for the magellanic penguins, their numbers are diminishing rapidly
They build their nests inland a bit and walk to the ocean everyday, their nests are hollows in the ground that they dig out.
Devil's Island, looks like a tropical paradise, the history is horrible.
Manaus, Brazil, a favela at the shore of the Amazon River
A Masked Boobie, they are very adept at catching the flying fish , they can turn on a dime, catching them in mid-air or diving right into the ocean after them, fun to watch.
Ipanema Beach, the amount of tile work is incredible and goes for miles all along the beaches
Santarem, Brazil, on the Amazon River
Glacier Channel, off the coast of Chile
Nye Beach, Newport, Oregon
Seawall, West Vancouver, B.C.
Snow Bird,Utah...backside
Charlotte Amalie, St Thomas
Metropolitan Museum Of Art